Our classes are taught by dedicated and experienced educators. Using proven teaching strategies, they make sure that every student finds a path to success.
We embrace a learning environment that will prepare you for the path ahead. Our preschool classes incorporate traditional learning styles as well as hands-on experiences.
Our goal is to provide children with quality learning experiences in a safe, nurturing and child centered environment.
Your child's success is our priority. To support our inclusive community, we provide a personal approach, tailoring learning methods to each student's child care needs.
We are committed to providing the children with the best care, and environment to learn and grow physically as well as intellectually.
The Art Learning Center is a Keystone STAR 3 program recognized for providing
quality early learning experiences to help your child shine.
Keystone STARS is Pennsylvania’s Quality Rating and Improvement System. This system is a continuous quality improvement systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs. Keystone STARS is a program of Pennsylvania’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).
Files coming soon.